Install Smokeping On Windows

  1. Install Smokeping On Windows
  2. Install Smokeping On Ubuntu

How to install smokeping under windows 18 June 2006. Is there anybody who can provide a step by step guide for installing smokeping under windows with xampp? Mar 28, 2018 - Like most administrators, you've probably received a call from a user complaining that the network was 'slow.' The good news is that now you.

I’ve recently being doing some work to set up LibreNMS to monitor our vast swath of internal switches and systems. It’s a great tool, perhaps not as all encompassing as something like Zabbix or Nagios but it’s super easy to use, really presentable and does just want you want it to.

It also supports a great range of integrations and today I thought I’d have a look at integrating SmokePing with it to enable latency graphing and give a bit more function to the basics of ping response times.


I started off using the instructions over at Gattis but I’ll paraphrase them here.

#Installsmokeping(Sendmailusedtoberequiredbecauseofasmokepingbugbutthere'sa#workaroundbelow)sudoapt-getinstallsmokeping#Linkinthesmokepingapacheconfig(apache2wasinstalledaboveasareqforsmokeping)cd/etc/apache2/conf-availablesudoln -s../../smokeping/apache2.confsmokeping.conf#Enabletheconfigandmod_cgisudoa2enconfsmokepingsudoa2enmodcgid#Reloadtheapacheconfigserviceapache2reload

You then need to add a few switches or servers to the /etc/smokeping/config.d/Targets file so that Smokeping has something to do.


You need to edit the pathnames file so that the sendmail entry either points to your sendmail instance or to a valid file otherwise Smokeping won’t run.


Install Smokeping On Windows

Finally give Smokeping and Apache a quick restart


Install Smokeping On Ubuntu

Now you can give it a go…

However you now might get an Service Unavailable error in your browser. This had me scratching my head for a bit but after some Googling it turns out that Smokeping uses FastCGI to make it, well, faster. So install FastCGI.


You should now have a working Smokeping installation.