Does anyone have an inno setup script so I can automatically install MySQL. Does anyone have an inno setup. ISSkin is a free version of Codejock’s Skin Framework that allows you to add customized skins to Jordan Russell's Inno Setup. PLEASE CHOOSE THE site VERSION YOU WOULD LIKE TO USE. APP BROWSER E-BOOK. Remember my choice.
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I have been reading through a lot of documents on Stack Overflow, you guys are great! I have taken some code that was suggested on another post. The help was great! I was able to get the MySQL loaded and started thanks to RobeN. I did however read the documentation that was suggested to autoload a database into the sequence. I can't seem to get it figured out. Any help would be great!
Martin Prikryl2 Answers
I managed find a workaround to this problem. Instead of loading the database directly from the INNO script, I wrote the sql commands into a batch file and executed the .bat from the script.
Type this into a notepad document and save it as loadDB.bat .The first line sets the path of your directory to where your mysql.exe is installed.Next line creates an empty database.(I don't know why but I can't get mysql to load the database file without creating an empty database on the server first) The last line is the mysql command for loading the database from your database,sql file.
cd /d C:Program FilesMySQLMySQL Server 5.1bin
mysql -uroot -padmin -e 'create database mydatabase;'
Inno Setup Command Line
mysql -uroot -padmin mydatabase < 'C:database.sql'
Now, in your INNO script below the [FILES] section add the .bat file
Source: 'path-to-fileloadDB.bat'; DestDir: '{app}'; Flags: ignoreversion
And below the [RUN] section execute the .bat. Note this line should be the last line in the [RUN] section because it should execute only after Mysql server is installed.
Mysql Setup Download
Filename: '{app}loadDB.bat'
Now compile and run the setup.
As a side note : I havent tried it but maybe if you add the mysql commands in the .bat directly into the inno script with the correct parameters, you could load the database without the need of the batch file.
Hope this solves your problem.

After you installed MySQL and got it started, it´s easy to load an MySQL Script file.
The keypoint is passing the command 'source' to mysql.exe -e parameter, so it could load my script file. Passing script name with '<' signal didn´t work for me.